Harmful & Poisonous Plants in NJ
Stinging Nettle, Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, Poison Sumac. Did you know that they all exist in NJ? They can show up
almost anywhere. Feeling itchy after weeding? You may have been exposed and the best thing to do is to wash
with soap and water as soon as possible. If possible, wear gloves when pulling weeds and if you happen to come
across a potential problem weed use a bag to pull it and save yourself the misery of breaking out in a rash. Rutgers
has a wealth on poisonous and harmful plants at their website: Stinging Nettle, Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, Poison
Sumac. Did you know that they all exist in NJ? They can show up almost anywhere. Feeling itchy after weeding?
You may have been exposed and the best thing to do is to wash with soap and water as soon as possible. If possible,
wear gloves when pulling weeds and if you happen to come across a potential problem weed use a bag to pull it and
save yourself the misery of breaking out in a rash. Rutgers has a wealth on poisonous and harmful plants at their
website: http://njaes.rutgers.edu/harmfulplants/
Stinging Nettle, Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, Poison Sumac. Did you know that they all exist in NJ? They can show up
almost anywhere. Feeling itchy after weeding? You may have been exposed and the best thing to do is to wash
with soap and water as soon as possible. If possible, wear gloves when pulling weeds and if you happen to come
across a potential problem weed use a bag to pull it and save yourself the misery of breaking out in a rash. Rutgers
has a wealth on poisonous and harmful plants at their website: Stinging Nettle, Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, Poison
Sumac. Did you know that they all exist in NJ? They can show up almost anywhere. Feeling itchy after weeding?
You may have been exposed and the best thing to do is to wash with soap and water as soon as possible. If possible,
wear gloves when pulling weeds and if you happen to come across a potential problem weed use a bag to pull it and
save yourself the misery of breaking out in a rash. Rutgers has a wealth on poisonous and harmful plants at their
website: http://njaes.rutgers.edu/harmfulplants/
Can I plant beans, peas, and corn together? Will my peas and onions be great neighbors or should I keep them away from each other? To find out, check out this Companion Planting Guide